Thursday, November 09, 2006

One Split Second...

I seem to be goin thru' a realization phase off late...though in a costly and reactive way:-) Another usual day at work, but for the fact that i am leaving on a vacation for the rest of the year exactly one week from today... Looks like my poor Honda Civic wasn't too happy with me going away from him for such a looong time!!!

I get off work at around 05:15 and plan on doing some shopping for my trip later in the evening. I was approaching 92 intersection on 280 when this lady on the right lane decides it's time for her to move onto the left lane...the only issue being she wants to displace me from the same lane and not giving me even few seconds to react. The end result- my honda civic is barely drivable, needs body shop work, needs me to be on the phone and argue with insurance agents, etc etc.

Its kind of demoralizing to see this car has been so loyal to me during the last 30 odd months while i have driven it all around bay area averaging ~100 miles a day. Not sure what the fate of my car is, it depends on if the lady will change her statement by tomorrow morning when my insurance agent gives her a call!

Looking on the positive side, I was really really lucky...
It was just last saturday that i dropped by my agent to realize that my insurance had actually expired. I am glad this happened this week rather than next week right on the dot when i would have been counting hours to board the flight:-) Had it not been for my good luck, there could have been cars pounding on me from the left and back while i had this incident let me waiting on the middle lane on the freeway! I am hoping that my lucky streak continues and the lady obliges her mistake tomorrow and makes the rest of my job easier...keeping my fingers crossed for now!

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