Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Change isn't static ne more!!!

You never realize when you are headed for a U turn...
What i considered to be my home ground, mite soon be a far away location!
What i thot to be my work place will soon be alien to me!
When i almost believed that a 2 week vacation is what reality is, i end up taking a 2 month break!!!

Thanksgiving will never be the same again...I mean, it will be an occassion to celebrate for this lifetime!
Life won't be on my own terms ne more... I mean, in a very beautiful positive way:-)
This New Year brings in a nice fresh start... A new life, new home & a lot more!!!

The person i used to be, would have made a big fuss of all these random occurrences of events happening too closely, wondering if i am the culprit of my own desire. The 'Glass Half Full' part in me states there isn't ne th better than the fact that i have accustomed myself to the change factor... or, is it just driven by the truth that the longing to be with your loved one is sooo passionate and strong that it makes you stand by any change?

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